
A warm greeting from chilly Poland

Dear Friends,
It's windy and rainy in Poland. By the way, I envy Anna and Hilkka the first snow.
First of all let me introduce myself to the project participants I haven't met before. I am new to the project as well and feel delighted and honoured to be a part of such a great project team. My name is Jolanta Gajda, I teach English in junior high school (Gimnazjum nr 16 im. Fryderyka Chopina) in Lublin, Poland. You are welcome to have a look at our school web site: www.g16-lublin.eu.
As far as our city is concerned, let my students tell you a few words about it:

Lots of beautiful places
University where Pope John Paul II was teaching students
Bystrzyca River
Lots of restaurants and hotels
Interesting museum in the castle
Nice people
Agata, class 2g
Unfortunately, there are not any mountains
Buildings are cool
Lollipops are the best in Lublin
In Lublin there is a castle
Notice that Lublin is the best
Maciej, class 2g
Lovely Lublin
Usually the weather is nice
Beautiful landscape
Lublin is wonderful
Interesting city
Ola, class 2g

I am looking forward to working with you. My students just can't wait either. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the conference in Spain but would be very happy to help you with the project outline in any way you wish. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Some news. We went on a class trip to Krasnobrod on the 25th-26th October and you are very welcome to have a look at the photos.
Looking forward to your news. Have a great new week.
Jolanta Gajda


Blog said...

A warm greeting from rainy and a bit snowy Germany.
I'm Christina, teacher, and I like your poems very much. I did this with my students, too.
Some weeks ago we wrote Haikus. But in German language.
Are you interested?

Jolanta Gajda said...

Dear Christina,
Thanks for your kind remark.
I'd love to read your students' poems.